Tuesday, November 22, 2016

for my artafact I made a mutu snare.
I liked making my mutu snare because I like carving
I am proud of my snare because it looks good
it took me a long time to maake my mutu snare
It was fun
It was hard to tie the knot for the bird to land in because it was not working. The know pulled tight and I couldn't do it.
I have been learing to manege my destracking muscles.
A mutu snare is a triditional maori bird trap that was uaed about 150 years ago.

Monday, August 15, 2016


On one overcast day in the July  holidays me and my dad drove over to Jack's to pick him up because his mum needed to go to work. When we got back to my house Jack said we should go to the creek. So I put my gumboots on and we walked through the the school to the creek.

When we arrived at the creek we jumped down the tall  concrete walls. The creek was surprisingly clear so we walked under the road bridge to the other side of the bridge where some big rocks where(were) and  some eels might be hiding.  But instead of eels we found some guts hanging out of something that looked like a dead animal.

next I walked down under the bridge to a more shallow part of the creek. After that I waded  up the creek to the dead animal, Jack passed me a stick and I turned the  animal over with the stick. It looked at me with its eye hanging out of its socket  and guts hanging out of stomach. It was a POSSUM.  

Me and Jack walked down the creek to grab a stick. There were not  much good strong sticks and the only way to get the possum out the creek was to shove a stick under a narrow piece of skin and fur.
Me and Jack found a a good stick that looked strong enough to lift the possum. So I stepped back into the creek managed to get the possum up onto the narrow concrete bank.

I started kicking the possum up the concrete until I reached the grassy part of the bank and we covered the possum with leaves.

The next day me Jack and Campbell returned to the creek to check the possum out. When we got there we scraped the leaves off the possum with a stick. Not long after that two teenager showed up on their BMX bikes and asked us where we live and we  and we said Riversley Road.  We ran home hoping that they didn't do anything to the possum.

I have been working on my sentient s starters and not using the same boring word called then.

I have also been working on explaining things better.

I have been working on managing my distractions. When I manage my distractions I get more learning done.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Te ika a maui

Kupe and the giant Tuna

Kupe was a great fisherman who lived in Hawaiki.  All around Kupes settlement were traditional fishing grounds Where Kupe and his tribe went fishing.  

When it was the the full moon and the tides were right the fishermen headed out to sea and returned with treasures from tangaroa which the whole tribe celebrated.  Everyone waited on the shore line for their return so they could divide the catch into even shares for the whanau.   

One morning kupe and his mates dropped their lines in one of their favorite fishing grounds. Instead of the tug tug that they expected, they felt a huge tug and a big pull. So they pulled their lines in and found their hook and sinker had vanished. This continued throughout the day, not one of the fishermen caught any fish so they headed back in.

This had never happened before Many people were sad and upset that the fishermen returned without their catch.  Once Kupe considered what happened that day a hui was called. The whole island gathered around the fire to talk about the fate of the village. Kupe talked about his respect for the ocean of tangaroa, and how he had understood their village since the dawn of time.

 Early the next morning Kupe and the fishermen lowered their lines in their favorite fishing grounds but their lines just kept on getting snapped like the day before. Kupe noticed some slime on his hook this belonged to a conger eel. So they pulled their lines in and headed back to the island with no fish.  
Kupe set off to see chief Muturangi. Kupe knew Muturangi had a pet conger eel that was known for its huge size and influence over the sea.  Kupe told Muturangi what had been happening when they were fishing. But Muturangi laughed at Kupe at and sent him away.

Kupe made a crew of warriors and fishermen to help Kupe build a huge waka to hunt down Te tuna nui (the giant eel). Harakeke weavers made the strongest line they could make and a carver was told to make a huge hook. Once the waka was finished they loaded supplies onto it for a long journey out at sea.

Kupe and the other fishermen of the village jumped aboard the waka and began their journey out to sea when they reached the spot where they last encountered the conger neel. They baited their huge fishing line using a whole octopus that they caught in a net on there way out because Kupe new that octopus is a favorite food of the conger eel.  

Kupe threw his hook to the bottom sea. As soon as the line hit the bottom of the sea it was struck by Muturangis conger eel. Kupe almost fell into the sea but lucky one of his mates grabbed him and the rest of the fishermen helped Kupe hall the giant eel in.  It was a 26 hour game of tug of war, 10 fishermen vs a colossal conger eel. But eventually they got the fish to rise. The conger eel was so big they needed to drag half the eel behind the waka.

When they were close to the shore they saw everyone cheering for Kupe and the fishermen. That night there was a huge celebration for the record conger eel and that eel made a lot of fillets.
That is the story Kupe and the giant tuna

Ngahere Greaves

I am really proud of this writing because I worked hard to finesh it with good sentences and I done a good job of it.
Something that challenges me when writing is adding detail
I was in the learning pit with my writing but I have persevered to get myself out of the learning pit.

Thursday, June 16, 2016


In Totara whanau we have been learning Matariki

Matariki is the maori new year
and it is a time to do stuff like fishing eeling and hunting and to store food.  Matariki is a star constellation that you can see very early in the morning.  Matariki is a good for hunting fishing and eeling. In the old days there were no pigs dear rabbits or possums for the maori to hunt and eat so they uesd to eat moa weka kereru fish and other native birds. Eels were also an important food to the maori and the used many ways catch them. At school every matariki we do stuff like weaving carving cooking planting.

This year for Matariki I done weaving tukutuku pannles and planting.
Something I learnt was how to do tukutuku pannles.
The tukutuku design I chose was the flounder
The learning muscle I was stretching was perserverince I keeped stuffing up but I tried again. 


Thursday, June 2, 2016

The clive river mouth

This is about my half day at the river mouth with my cosins and my dad.

One sunny autumn  day me my cousin and  my dad went fishing at the clive river mouth. First we caught some bait in the cast net.  We use mullet for bait we cut them up and put them on the hook. we Set the surf caster up and me and my cousin Maiolha walked from the beach to the lagoon on the other side of the sand. The lagoon is where the three river mouths meet up to make the giant ocean blue lagoon. First Maiolha caught a fish then I caught two mallet in the cast net. So  we went to light a fire to cook the mallets on, so I scaled with my knife and gutted the both the fish and raped (wrapped) the fish in tin foil then put them on the small part of the fire. I pushed hot embers on top  of the fish to make it cook faster. I could feel the heat from the smoky fire. In 10 minutes  my other cousins came just in time for the fish. So we ate the fish then went back down to the lagoon to catch more fish. But we didn't catch anything. Next we tried another spot and caught some little herrings. Herrings are little grey fish when they get big they are good for eating. Then it was time to go because it was getting too late and the sun was going down.    

I have been lerning to add more detaile this challenges me lots becaues I think that the peapole reading should already know. I am proud of it because I have put good vocab in the story. Next time I will add more more detaill for the reader becuase the dont know and they wernt there.

Art composition

This is my mural art and its about the school pepeha.  Te Raorao-haumako te whenua is our land. The mountain in the background is Kahurngi and it is important because it is our mountain from the pepeha.

Ko te Puna-wai ko makirikiri ka puta ki te awa o Ngaruroro (Puna wai is our Spring that feeds into the River the Ngaruroro) Karamus Stream. The stream is the stream the local marae was built on. We used to get our food from the river. This is the story my drawing is adout.

I am proud of my design because I made it sher the meaning of our pepeha. Everything in my design is important to our whanau. When I found out that it got picked I was so happy.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

I am poem

I am…
Success Criteria
Use a thesaurus to choose the best vocabulary
Choose the best nouns for the poem
Choose the best adjectives to describe some nouns
Leave the reader thinking about your poem by sharing what it inside you

I am eel man
I wonder if they will government will stop commercial fishing ?
I hear  jet skeas(skiers) racing in the river mouth
I see kahawai jumping in the surf
I want to go fishing every day
I am eel man
I don't pretend
I feel water splashing around my legs when  cast my surf caster
I touch my cast net
I worry if I might in the swift channel get washed into the waves
I would cry if all eels diy
I am eel man
I understand how to save the fish in New zealand
I say nothing                                        
I dream of catching the biggest eel in the world

I am eel man

I have been working on writing a poem.Something I am proud of my poem because I have made people think about the fish. I tried to choose the best nouns adjectives and verbs. I hope that people will put some fish back when they go fishing and look after the fish.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Tuna nui

On saterday night me my dad and my frined Connor drove down to the river to catch some eels. When we got to our spot we set we set my Hinake. After we set the hinake we went for a dirve up the river to catch some eels with the fishing line the trick with a fishing line is to drop it to the bottom of the creek and  waite and sit quietly untell you fell a tug.
. I caught 1 small eel We had to cut a hole in the eel  to get the hook out so dad walked  to the river to wash the eel but it swam away when dad washed it.  Then we drove back down the road to pull the hinake in we caught 10 good sized eels but we let 8 go because they were long fins. We reset the hinake in the same spot then went back home for the night. In the morning we went back to the river to pull the hinake in. When dad hoped in the river he had a quick look in the hinake well it was still in the river and he said it dose not look like there is anything in there. But when dad pulled the hinake up and we saw the biggest eel we had ever caught. So we took it home and weighed it then got it readdy for the smoker. It was 1meater long and 3 kgs. When we somked it also was the best eel I had ever tasted. If you havent tried smoked eel it tastes like nothing else.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Camp Weka and Omatua

My highlight was tubing and setting the hinake at camp weka because its fun to get wet and catch some eels.  At weka we got there and set the hinake then walked back to the camp and marshmellows on the fire .  I put a chocolate chip ice cream and a marshmellow in my orange muffin.
Then we stayed up all night and I only slept for half an hour.

First thing in the morning we got up and pulled in the Hinake we didn't catch anything but after that we got to go tubbing down the river. On the tubes I went down the rapids and at the bottem of the rapids a big trout swam up under me and bumped my tube the was my best highlight.
Something that was challenging at camp was getting to sleep. It was tricky because because it was to light and loud from people who were talking at Weka in the next door dorm.

For a while in the fear factor I was the master eating ginger  brussle sprouts and jalapenos and I winning and I was proud but then the olive... defeated me.
It was fun playing guitar to everyone in the hall. It made me feel a bit special to play for everyone.
Mrs H thorght I was talented

Friday, March 11, 2016

My Art

This is my art about me I cut some letters and drew on them  stuck the letters onto a base
I am proud of my art because it looks good to me and it tells a story about me.

N has guitars on it because I like to play reggae and Jimi Hendrix guitar the G is for fish because I like fishing and diving and I like eating fish A is music because I like listing to music and S is for things I like to do Carving, Diving, Fishing and Eeling and driving boats. The hardest thing was cutting out the letters. 

Friday, February 19, 2016


This is my google slide about eels.
I have been learning to make a google slide
I am proud of making my slide look good.
Something that challenged me was stataying on task.