Thursday, June 2, 2016

The clive river mouth

This is about my half day at the river mouth with my cosins and my dad.

One sunny autumn  day me my cousin and  my dad went fishing at the clive river mouth. First we caught some bait in the cast net.  We use mullet for bait we cut them up and put them on the hook. we Set the surf caster up and me and my cousin Maiolha walked from the beach to the lagoon on the other side of the sand. The lagoon is where the three river mouths meet up to make the giant ocean blue lagoon. First Maiolha caught a fish then I caught two mallet in the cast net. So  we went to light a fire to cook the mallets on, so I scaled with my knife and gutted the both the fish and raped (wrapped) the fish in tin foil then put them on the small part of the fire. I pushed hot embers on top  of the fish to make it cook faster. I could feel the heat from the smoky fire. In 10 minutes  my other cousins came just in time for the fish. So we ate the fish then went back down to the lagoon to catch more fish. But we didn't catch anything. Next we tried another spot and caught some little herrings. Herrings are little grey fish when they get big they are good for eating. Then it was time to go because it was getting too late and the sun was going down.    

I have been lerning to add more detaile this challenges me lots becaues I think that the peapole reading should already know. I am proud of it because I have put good vocab in the story. Next time I will add more more detaill for the reader becuase the dont know and they wernt there.

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