Monday, November 2, 2015

grandpearent week

On monday my nana came in to school to read to me and my friend bryn. This a photo we took of me and my nana. She red two books freddie the famous farter and tuna and patiki. They were two cool books

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

My mum Amy Greaves uses a thick piece of paper, ink, water, an eye dropper and sometimes a paint brush. She tips water on the page then slides it around then she drops the ink on the water and the ink spreads out and it looks real cool. Sometimes blows the link and it spreads out more. This message is to protect our waters

Christall Lowe needs paper a giltean paint and a paint brush to do there art. she uses two colors and black and white she uses one color and paints it on to her page  then she paints on some black to make a darker shade then she adds some white to make a lighter tone then she adds little bits of her other color. after she cuts her page up and reconstructs them so the dark bits at the bottom and the light bits and at the top so they the sky and land.  The message is to look after our land and air.  

  1. hatching the paint
  2. drawing with the ink

  1. do tida painting


Thursday, September 10, 2015

my word could 2

This is my te reo word cloud out the book I read called kaitiaki of the stream. 

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

art trail

This is my loupe collage for the art trail that we did when we went around the Hastings city centre with clues and questions for art. My favourite part was in the art gallery when we did some fun activities.

Friday, August 21, 2015

This is my word cloud of words from  the 
book I read about little blue penguines, My words 
are society and occupied

Society means a whole lot of people living in a place
Occupied means something lived in, a space or place that is taken.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

On april the 25 ,1915 after 8 months of training for war, I and all of the anzac soldiers were about to land on the shores of the Gallipoli peninsula on three big ships.

little boats getting towed by tug boats, in total we are a giant group of 200 boats.All
of us are very confident. We wished each other luck before going into into battle.

We've just a reached spot on the sea where  it's deep enough so the big boats don’t get stranded in shallow water. I think this is going to be a cakewalk. iutil sparks came flying out of one of the tug boats soon a shower of bullets came raining down on us like hail that kills you. It was very sad for me once i saw that some of my friends were shote. So i kept on trying to make it through this day. I still continued to live this long wet soggy day finally we started to drive the trucks back, to buy us time to set up on the beach. After the first day in gallipoli

Friday, May 15, 2015

I heard black larks singing above
I heard gun shots below
I saw poppies blowing in the wind
I saw the brightly colored sunset on the horizon
I felt cold and sad
I felt shivers running up my spine
I wondered if  I would be dead in seconds
I wondered who my enemy was and if he was nice   

by Ngahere                                                                                                                                                                                      

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

What to do if you get lost not panic
3.listen for help
5.stay where you are
6.try to trace your steps not wander
8.mark your steeps
9. try to bend branches and leave footprints
10.stay warm
11.try build a hut next to a tree or a big rock

Image result for keep calm and stay safe

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Five nights at Freddy's is a awesome game to play. To play it you have to download it on chrome web store or scratch game. it is cool but it might not be for some of you.     5 nights at freddys 

Friday, March 13, 2015

Image result for kraven the hunterIt’s 5 am nowImage result for spiderman ` spider man has webbed three car robbers and now he is now going to turn into peter Parker and go to the zoo Auckland zoo with his best friend. He got there and found his friend but his spider senses were tingling, suddenly the zoo man cried” help a 12ft eel came out of the pond and over the fence”.  With his friend and everyone with their eyes glued to the giant eel peter scanned all buildings without warning ,he leaped up on one and was time for spider man to came out. But when spider man was on the seen kraven the hunter had grabbed the giant eel and throw the back over the fence and into the pond. A reporter asked kraven “what are you doing kraven” kraven esplanade “ i have hunted every animal in the jungle and today i will fight the most dangerous creature on earth  man. But not just any man spider man”. Kaven pointed at spider. spider man “said you must be confust you must be looking for someone  else not me “. Spontaneously kaven posted at spider man  spider man leapt up “to slow” said spider man.  Suddenly there was a huge splash in the pond at full speed out leaped eel man. unexpectedly he threw kraven up on the roof. kraven was just to jump on top of eel man when spider man webbed kraven up threw him on the ground. BUT some how kraven worked his way out of the web but kraven was not back for long. Eel man picked up a shot gun andImage result for bangkraven was gone.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Amy man
New hero

Thursday, February 19, 2015

This is  my kowhawhai art showing translation reflection and rotation 

Monday, February 16, 2015

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

My name is tuna man and my power is to fly to the moon and colonize it,  to find new lands and to fly 9 million km a minute to time travel. I can turn into a little eel so I can go places that other people can't.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

This is my name tag I made at school on my chrome book.

 Check out the eels and one trout at a golf course in Nelson.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Hi I'm Ngahere and I like trout fishing and eeling. I hope you like some  of the stuff on my blog.