It’s 5 am now` spider man has webbed three car robbers and now he is now going to turn into peter Parker and go to the zoo Auckland zoo with his best friend. He got there and found his friend but his spider senses were tingling, suddenly the zoo man cried” help a 12ft eel came out of the pond and over the fence”. With his friend and everyone with their eyes glued to the giant eel peter scanned all buildings without warning ,he leaped up on one and was time for spider man to came out. But when spider man was on the seen kraven the hunter had grabbed the giant eel and throw the back over the fence and into the pond. A reporter asked kraven “what are you doing kraven” kraven esplanade “ i have hunted every animal in the jungle and today i will fight the most dangerous creature on earth man. But not just any man spider man”. Kaven pointed at spider. spider man “said you must be confust you must be looking for someone else not me “. Spontaneously kaven posted at spider man spider man leapt up “to slow” said spider man. Suddenly there was a huge splash in the pond at full speed out leaped eel man. unexpectedly he threw kraven up on the roof. kraven was just to jump on top of eel man when spider man webbed kraven up threw him on the ground. BUT some how kraven worked his way out of the web but kraven was not back for long. Eel man picked up a shot gun andkraven was gone.
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